Sunday, July 15, 2007

workin and stuff

Today's been much about Bamboo Village. Calls to the village, maintenance on etsy... all that kind of stuff. Tonight, the formalities of Bamboo Village are looming, and I feel like I'm going back to college!!

What's the difference between a nonprofit and an NGO (non-governmental organization)? Am I forming a foundation or a fund?

I'll be turning to my alma mater for some help next week for sure. Clark University has an excellent program (from which I eventually graduated) in International Development & Social Change, and I'm hoping they can help.

In the meanwhile, I'm reading from Idealist and Social Edge to see what I can discern.

In other excitement, I got my invitation to Ravelry yesterday! Yahoo!!! My username in those parts is celesterra - hope to see some familiar faces there. hee.

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